Primavera Tulips
by Chef Pascal Aussignac, Cuisinier Gascon

4 | pcs | Tulip Flowers, long stems attached |
100 | grs | Tapioca |
- | - | Sea Salt and Freshly Grounded Black Pepper |
100 | grs | Sugar-Snap Pease |
3 | pcs | Spring Onions |
3 | sprigs | Fresh Dill |
200 | grs | Shelled fresh or frozen peas |
3 | tbsp | Olive Oil |
50 | grs | Button Mushrooms |
50 | grs | Parmesan Cheese, freshly grated |
- 1. First nip out the stamens from the tulip flowers. Check the petals are clean
- 2. Put about 500ml water on to boil then stir in the tapioca and a little salt. Return to the boil then stir, and simmer for 4-5 minutes until soft. Drain.
- 3. Meanwhile, finely chop the sugar-snap peas, spring onions and dill. Set aside.
- 4. Cook the peas in about 500ml lightly salted water until just soft, about 8 minutes for fresh peas (5 minutes for frozen) then drain, reserving some of the water. Whizz in a blender with a tablespoon of oil until a thick puree, adding a little extra reserved water if necessary.
- 5. Soak the mushrooms in boiling water just to cover, and leave until softened, about 2-3 minutes, then drain, pat dry and finely chop (if you were to use mousserons, plus a small knob of butter, they would produce a flavourful jus that would be perfect saved to sprinkle over the tulips at the end.) Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan and fry off the mushrooms for 2-3 minutes then season. Mix in the cooked tapioca and Parmesan followed by the chopped sugar-snap peas, onions and dill.
- 6. Leave to cool, then spoon the stuffing into the centre of the four tulip flowers. Re-shape the petals around the filling.
- 7. Put a pan on to boil with a steamer basket fitted above. You might like to place a disc of baking parchment on the base of the steaming basket. Place the stuffed tulips and their stems on top.
- 8. Steam for 30-40 seconds until the petals wilt, then carefully lift each stuffed flower and stem on to a plate. Reheat the mashed peas, if necessary, and serve alongside the tulips, garnished with a herby green salad.